Beyond the Pitch: A Student’s Journey out of their Comfort Zone

Lauren Stansell, a Harbert College of Business student, content creator, and aspiring entrepreneur is one of six finalists in the Tiger Cage Pitch Competition. Her new business venture, Focus Friends, is an online application serving as a solution for the ADHD community. Read below as she shares her journey, one of many inspirational testaments that have come out of the NVA.


Beyond the Pitch: A Student’s Journey out of their Comfort Zone

By Lauren Abby Stansell


“The only thing that is stopping you from where you are and where you want to go is your comfort zone.” – Dhaval Gaudier

In September, I found myself enrolled in an entrepreneurship class as part of my business administration degree. It was an exciting opportunity to explore the world of business firsthand. Little did I know, this journey would lead me to experiences that would reshape not only my academic path but also my personal growth in profound ways.

The first milestone in this journey came in the form of a small-scale competition called “Ideas Jam.” It was a chance to pitch a business idea to a single judge for extra credit. I saw it as an opportunity too good to pass up. After all, I had a business idea simmering on the back burner—a solution for individuals with ADHD, a cause close to my heart due to my own experiences and online advocacy within the ADHD and mental health community.

With determination and a hint of trepidation, I took the stage and delivered my two-minute pitch. The experience was nerve-wracking, to say the least, and I didn’t clinch the win. However, the feedback I received from the judge proved invaluable. It wasn’t just constructive criticism—it was a catalyst for growth, a nudge to explore the potential of my idea further. She told me, “you need to take this idea to Halloween Pitch and Tiger Cage”.

Halloween Pitch and Tiger Cage are two pitch competitions put on by Auburn University. Halloween Pitch is smaller scale, competing for a $3,000 prize pool, while Tiger Cage is much larger scale, with three rounds of pitching over the course of a few months, and with an $80,000 prize pool. This opportunity to pitch to a panel of 15 judges against well established business ideas was quite daunting, and truthfully I did not believe I was capable. However, I recognized the opportunity for personal and professional growth by choosing to push the boundaries of my comfort zone, and decided to take a leap of faith and participate in the competitions.

From conducting market research and developing a business model to refining my pitch, each step of the preparation process brought its own set of challenges and learning opportunities. I had never created a pitch deck before, nor had I delved into the intricacies of financial planning or team management. But with each challenge, I found myself growing more resilient, more adaptable.

Of course, the journey wasn’t without its setbacks. There were moments of doubt, moments when I questioned my own abilities or believed I was in over my head. But each setback became an opportunity for growth, a chance to dig deeper, push harder, and emerge stronger on the other side.

The competitions themselves were exhilarating and nerve-wracking in equal measure. Yet, despite the butterflies in my stomach, I was fueled by a sense of purpose and passion for my idea. And to my surprise, the nervousness that had plagued me during the Ideas Jam seemed to dissipate with each subsequent pitch. I found myself speaking with newfound confidence, my passion for the project shining through in every word.

As I reflect on this journey, from that first tentative pitch to the upcoming finals of the Tiger Cage competition, I am struck by how far I’ve come. Despite my hesitancy in my own capabilities, I placed in Halloween Pitch and have made it to the final round of Tiger Cage, which I will compete in in March.

I thought this process would teach me to develop a scalable business, and it has. What I did not know is that this process would teach me to believe in myself and to push myself beyond what I thought I was capable of, which has been all the more valuable.

Through this journey, I’ve learned that growth often lies just beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones. It’s in those moments of discomfort, those moments of uncertainty, that we truly discover what we’re capable of achieving. And while the road may be fraught with challenges, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt, it’s also lined with opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery.

So to anyone out there hesitating on the brink of their own comfort zone, I say this: take the leap. Embrace the challenge, lean into the discomfort, and trust in your ability to rise to the occasion. For it’s in those moments of uncertainty that we find our greatest opportunities for growth, our greatest potential for success.