Class Cash Mobile App Pays Students To Go To Class

Class Cash provides an opportunity for selected students to promote brands by using their laptop as a mini billboard.

Student smiles behind laptop in cafeteria
Class Cash logo

Class Cash, a new mobile app that pays students to be brand ambassadors, has initiated a pilot program that is connecting local brands with Auburn University students through a first-of-its-kind social ambassador / marketing affiliate program. Current participants in the pilot program include Momma Goldberg’s, Ross House Coffee & Roastery, Charming Oaks, and FetchMe Delivery.

Founded by three Auburn Graduates (Connor Lewis, ’16 Marketing, Parker Roan, ‘15 Mech Engineering, Grant Dammicci ’15 Mech Engineering) Class Cash helps companies build lasting one-to-one relationships with college students while boosting brand exposure in hard-to-reach places on college campuses.

Class Cash provides an opportunity for selected students to promote brands by using their laptop as a mini billboard. The student ambassador applies the sponsors logo to their laptop, and for that they are paid for the time in which their laptop is open and in the location the sponsor wants their brand message to be seen (e.g., in-classrooms, in dining halls, in the library, wherever students congregate.) The location settings are managed through geofencing technology. QR codes allow for exclusive offers from program sponsors.

“The Class Cash platform will allow business owners to achieve mass one-to-one marketing which many experts have deemed to be the future of marketing”, said Connor Lewis, CEO. “With the Class Cash mobile app, students make money by placing an advertisement on their laptops that deliver sponsor messages and other program activation opportunities to the exact locations and at the exact times of the sponsors choosing.

Student smiles behind laptop with Momma G's logo sticker
Map of geolocations at Auburn University

The goal is to help students make money while helping brands build lifelong relationships with the next generation of consumers.” As technology advances and cultures change, the advertising industry continues to evolve. “Many industry experts believe we’re approaching the end of the S-Curve regarding traditional digital media. In fact, they think the next S curve is already starting, which is mass one-to-one marketing”, said Lewis. “To do this, marketers will concentrate on building unique relationships with individual customers on a one-to-one basis. Class Cash, is on the front lines of this emerging trend and aims to help brands scale mass one-to-one marketing campaigns across the country by focusing on the college demographic.”

The Class Cash offering is currently focused solely on serving brands who want to sell their products & services to a student demographic of 18–22-year old’s. This is a very desirable age group for many brands as this is the first time most students make purchasing decisions on their own. By taking advantage of the Class Cash platform, it will be peer-to-peer / student-to-student influencing that drives their new formed behaviors.

For more information on how to to become a student ambassador or a sponsoring brand, contact Connor Lewis by email at or by phone 859-912-4777.