Opportunities and Grant Information
At the New Venture Accelerator, we provide the educational foundation, critical thinking skills, and techniques for developing ideas that will lead to a successful business.
To accelerate the development of new business ideas we provide:
- Workshops
- Mentoring
- Coaching
- One-on-One counseling
- Consulting expertise
- Networking opportunities
- Virtual curriculum delivery
- Experiential learning
- Collaborative working space
Note: Services are provided at no cost to the startup businesses we support.

EDA Grant
Through its proven entrepreneurial educational programing and one-on-one business counseling, the New Venture Accelerator has successfully launched over 50 businesses. These businesses have received over $47 million of venture investment and have created over 370 jobs.
Based on this history of success, a recent grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, a bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce, has provided funding that will expand the level of programing and support services that can be offered to the local business community.

Ayshia Green-Calloway
Program Managerew Venture Accelerato Harbert College of Business Nruite 101, 540 Devall Drive, Auburn, AL 3683 S2: 334-844-7430 P
Ayshia Green-Calloway is Program Manager for the New Venture Accelerator’s EDA Grant. She brings over 10 years of experience in workforce development including federal grant management and program coordination.